RCA splitter

Has anyone experience of using an RCA splitter? I’m going to try bi-amping but my preamp has only one set of RCA outputs. I found this https://cdlnz.com/M22F-HRD but don’t know if it’s the best quality splitter available. Any thoughts / reccomendations please?


You won’t go wrong with that Audioquest splitter. I have used that for a subwoofer line level hookup!

Splitters usually work fine for most analog connections.

INMHO the integrity of the connection is more important than the "quality.". That said AQ makes various topologies. They along with Morrow's are better than cheap Chinese plastic adapters..

I know this example is not the same, but I think it has some applicability here.  I was using a pair of Cardas RCA to XLR adaptors on a pair of unbalanced interconnects where the source had xlr outputs and the amp only had rca inputs.  Eventually, I had a pair of Xhadow xlr plugs installed on the interconnects at the source end.  The difference in sound was obvious.  The adaptors were masking detail, blurring image outlines.....probably other compromises as well.  It's been a few years so I don't recall the exact differences.


If money isn't much an issue, perhaps the better sonic solution would be to use a pair of Y-interconnects.