Music has a content of his own: melody,rythm,harmony, tonality, atonality, polytonality, Chromatism, harmonics....
Acoustic has a content of his own: Timbre acoustic translation, localization in space, immersiveness, dynamic, transients, direct/reflected/ diffuse waves, reverberation time, head and ears coupling to the speakers ,holographical distribution of sound sources etc
Two experiences completely different that meet one another in a music hall architecture...Not necessarily in an audio system for many musicians who are workers of their trade or too immersed in the live music playing experience to seat and be passively involved in buying costly gear... Their instrument matter way more...
I am handicapped because i dont play any instrument, and sound speak to my eye and tell a story...but i am not musically trained... i listen Scriabin to feel a "buzz" as powerful as drug....I "see" a Bruckner symphony exactly as we see a movie... I can describe all chords as part of a complex story...
It is why i add to music vocabulary and albums the vocabulary of acoustic to "clarify" my music experience as a sound seeing experience too...