Very very recently, I visited one of my favourite 'dirty little secret' sites.
By that, I mean 'dirty little secrets' found under the hood of Cart's.
The witnessing how fragile a Cart' is and how it is doomed from day one, is a great leveller and certainly lifts the lid on any false ideas touted that a Cart' is invincible and going to do wonders.
A Cart's is a tool that has no defense against the ambient environment or the guardian looking after it.
In my most recent observations under the hood of Cart's, I was to learn how light alone is a accelerant to deterioration of a Cart' (Dampers disintegrating on one side where light has been able to penetrate and the remaining material appearing quite grainy in make up), what I assume is a moisture damage has been seen to be extremely detrimental (Verdigris Coated Coils), coils over time seemingly implode if the ambient condition are the catalyst (Coils seeming fracture and fall away).
If one wants a Cart' to deliver in a Certain way, the materials selected have to be able to deliver the required function. The selection of materials are not with too much consideration for how they will perform in the field after five years of being exposed to the Non- Manufacture and Packaging Environment, the selection of materials are in my presumption, selected to be able to survive a Warranty period and a usage life of approx' 1000 hours at a time line determined by the manufacturer, not by the end user.
I'm sure the Manufacturer is aware that certain end users will extend their attaining 1000 hours beyond the timeline the design has allowed for. I also feel confident the manufacturer has chose robust materials that will offer a extended service, where the assembly of parts remain near optimised for a extended period.
The idea any part used for the assembly of a Cart' should be a part with a lifetime warranty is pure fantasy.
It is no different to asking for a lifetime Warranty on a Porsche Set of Boots or any Car Tyre, good luck with that one.
If one is into their owned Vinyl LP as a Source Material that is to be replayed. There is a vital ancillary required to be used to create the replay of the Source Material, which is by its very make up, a Sacrificial Ancillary, that is the realisation that is regularly overlooked.
Too often all that is seen is the fantastical world of what such an ancillary is going to bring and who breathed on it at the time of its creation. The Power of Marketing is very good at concealing the realities, especially the realities that really are worthwhile considering.