Driver Tubes 6922

I've heard a few people opining that the driver tube can be the most important tube.

Why is this?

What do you look for in a 6922?

What differences might I expect to hear replacing my modern GL e88cc with an expensive NOS 6922?

Any recommendations for a 6922  based on actual experience?







in integrated or power amp circuits, the input tube is generally considered more important than the driver tubes in front of the power tubes ’being driven’

reason being that the input tube is the actual gain stage, expanding the low level signal, and is first in receiving the incoming signal (thus having more stringent requirements in terms of noise and transconductance/mu) than the driver stage after it, which simply works to stabilize the impedance and signal delivered into the power tubes for them to do their work

this may help you understand better ...

I agree with jss...   in my Mid Monos a 6922 that may not be really quiet in a Preamp will work fine in the driver pos.   

I use JJ in there now and I think its the input tube that make the most difference in these.   

I have some early 60's RCA 12ax7 at the input and these amps have never sounded better.     When I bought them at about a year old the former owner also really liked RCA because there were early RCA 12ax7 in there.   

Thanks for the correction.

Are there affordable nos input tubes or a stellar modern input tube you guys can recommend?