Who has the Sickness, the Phile or the Non-phile?

So often I find myself resenting the fact that there are only so many hours to listen to HiFi and I think of those that don't hold this resentment.

I used to think anyone who wasn't obsessive simply lacked exposure, but even though I have introduced many, I have discovered no takers.

At audiophile club meeting it seems to me that the attendees are mostly gear-heads and posers; they say "Ooo & Ahhhh" to anything presented and you can see 1 or 2, maybe 3 in the seats nonchalantly looking over in the direction of the ooo-ers and Ahhh-ers; those few get it. And before anyone is defensive because they know, lashes out that I'm this or that....I don't care. These are obviously my opinions and I'm looking for the opinions of others On The  Question  At  Hand  and not whether or not I am a deluded self important snob.

So, if it is not a lack of exposure, is it a lack of ability?

Surely we are all different, short, tall, smart, obtuse, near sighted, far sighted. Are the ears and or the brains of an audiophile just wired differently than others? Can non audiophiles just not hear what we hear?

Was it childhood exposure that caused this difference in wiring? My father had Altec Voice of the Theater horns and the accompanying gear. Was that it, being exposed to HIFi during brain development? My daughter gets it and boy was she pissed when I sold my VPI TT. I never got along with my father, but was he responsible for my affliction by introducing me to superior sound as an infant?

And, who are the sick ones, the philes or the non-philes?




Yes for sure acoustical field is a sound experience in itsef....

But my favorite music , from any genre, cultures, styles, touch the brain , the heart and the body , in some ratio which is different in each case...

One of the greatest experience in my life was listening Scriabin ...

But it was badly recorded...Till this day my favorite interpretation is badly recorded... But very few pianist are able to play Scriabin...

Then sound experience is one thing , music powerful impact transcend sound...


In general a beautiful sound is not enough to reach ectasy for me...

And there is a big difference between enjoying funny and -pleasurable sounds and be transformed in its being by a musical experience...

This does not occur each week... We do not discover Gesulado or Scriabin or bach etc each week...Or a great  divine musician...

Or the greatest master of the tanbur for example  : Ostad Elahi...



Look, another acousti-file joined the club!

Sometimes, the music that is being played becomes secondary. This could be some kind of an ancient phenomena, because there is so many types of music the value of which is not given by beauty or intellectual content, and they have only an acoustical effect.


Look, another acousti-file joined the club!

Sometimes, the music that is being played becomes secondary. This could be some kind of an ancient phenomena, because there is so many types of music the value of which is not given by beauty or intellectual content, and they have only an acoustical effect.


An Audiophile is a lover of Audio. The music they use is to facilitate the search for perfect sound. A lover of music is a Melomaniac.

So, if you love music but audio purity is neither your passion nor goal, then you are not an Audiophile, you are a Melomaniac.

And I am talking here about Audiophiles.No offense to anyone who misunderstood my question.


I am detecting a bit of a false dichotomy here.

Not that that is unusual. On all audio forums I visit, I seem to see this, "you are either an audiophile, or a music lover", sort of attitude among many people.

It is my melomania that lead me to being an audiophile. Music certainly comes first, but playing with the gear can also be loads of fun. I am both an audiophile, and a music lover.

For the vast majority of my listening, I don’t care about the gear. I am only listening to the music. But, there are times, maybe a few hours every couple of weeks, when all I pay attention to, is the gear; swap gear, mess with speaker placement, listen to "audiophile approved" recordings just because they sound great, not necessarily because I like the music.



They mansplain to me, too. I’m a 225lb fire hydrant with a full beard. No degree at all….. 

Curious. Do most people only watch certain movie genres like they only listen to a handful of musicians?