KT-77 vs. KT-66

As I've had my QS Mono 60s, I've tried a variety of tubes. I have sold off my KT 150s, and use KT-88s from time to time, but what I really love are KT77's.

I'm thinking of getting some KT66s, thinking that lower powered tubes are better (to my ears) matches for my system. I just don't know what the KT-66's sound like. 

Question: If you have compared KT77 and KT66 tubes, what would you say the sonic, audible characters of each are? Is there a difference you can hear? What does the KT66 sound like -- to you?


@wolf_garcia Thanks for weighing in. I love the KT77's so much I have two pair. I'm very curious if you hear any real difference with the KT66's because they've gotten kind of expensive and hard to find. The GL's are very very hard to find. JJ is more gettable.

I think the Gold Lion 66s have a little more low end maybe. Although unless I listen to them and quickly take them out and put the 77s in its really hard to tell critical differences, and I generally don’t do that. Suffice to say, after break-in (a day or 2) the 66s really came into their stride and sound great. I can’t say much about the JJs except that a pair of JJ KT77s I bought were just not good at all compared to the Lions. I also have at least 4 or 5 (one died) GL 77s so I’m set with those for years, as well as Tung Sol 7581As, KT120s, etc. I was perusing Viva tubes recently and thought I had to try the GL 66s, and looked in my tube drawer and found a pair I must have bought just before I started using the tubeless Pass XA-25...nice surprise although even at today’s rough pricing for Gold Lions I would have bought ’em. Note my single ended Had amp uses only 2 power tubes (four tubes total including the input 6SN7GTB and a rectifier tube) so tube expense isn’t much of an issue.

@wolf_garcia Thanks for the additional info. I need 4 tubes in my QS monos. I also have the Pass XA25, which is a fine fallback if I have a tube go out.

So you need 8 power tubes...at today's prices that gets an "ouch." Yeah I love the XA-25's utter transparency, but my Had amp just looks sad sitting there and it's easy to swap the wires over to it so there's that, and I'm always amazed and entertained by the differences between these amps. Fun...it's just fun...


Just for some new audio kicks NOS 6L6GC subs can still be found for reasonable cost. You're probably familiar with Brent Jesse?

"Also, I would like to hear how vintage 6L6’s sound in a Primaluna"

toddnlg- if you're referring to the LOW VOLTAGE 6l6G(not GC), been using RCA 6L6G in a PL HP as the preferred  compromise for EL34 mids/ KT88 bass.