How serious are you?

On a scale of 1 to 10 with ten being totally obsessed, how serious are you about this hobby?  Explain please. Thanks. 


During the lockdown, I was obsessed with the hobby of buying and selling audio gear about 8 on a 10 scale. I just got a new pair of speakers, but after that, I'm good, so today I would be a 2 on that scale.

@larsman yes my obsession comes and goes but never leaves. I’m probably an 8 highest. There are some things I just won’t do or buy into. But I take no prisoners when it comes to having just the right sound available when called upon which is almost every day to some degree.

My Roon dash says I’ve listened 50 hours and 14 minutes over the last 4 weeks.

Yes it’s come down to my hifi measuring how much time I spend with it. Hope it does not have a hissy fit like HAL in 2001 A Space Odyssey and take it out on me 😉.

Maybe 3. I lost interest with near SOTA systems over 10 years ago. Now my interest is limited to getting the sound that I want to hear. New acquisitions are rare but I did get a new preamp recently because it offered both analog as well as digital DACs, and a Schiit Lokius for old recordings. Sounds pretty good.