Dear @roxy54 : What I try to say is that manufacturers as Linn TTs or Lamm electronics ( as other manufacturers too. ) and through the time they pull and hold a niche of fanatic audiophiles for its products and that’s good and maybe, even that I been in touch with those manufactuers products and that I never will buy it, for good reasons for the owners.
If you talk with a Linn or Lamm owner and you ask if they are willing to change its items the normal answer is NO, they are fanatics and you can’t even post something " agressive " against it ( of course any one can post about. ).
What could justify the Linn tag price for each one of those fanatics that already bougth it? So I said " create fame and go to sleep ".
A linn owner will buy almost everything that comes from Linn as in the Lamm niche too.
In the Lamm area things are really bad for its fanatics that not even looks or read what it comes inside units on quality level passive/active parts. An example in the pho signature: RIAA eq. has a deviation close to -1db from 100hz and below and at the other extreme things started at 10khz and guess what: those 3 cartridge inputs comes with different RIAA deviation leels , go figure ! !. The unit comes with an internal Jensen SUT ( not the best out there transformers, not even silver wired. ), it comes with 3 inputs for MC/MM cartridges but only has one phono stage and 3 switches in between ( not good enough for the heavy price tag. ), in its site speaks of resistor/caps miltary grade and owners could think that those military grade has a true improve over the normal one and it’s not way because performs exactly with the same quality level: military offers higher temperature use and larger life than non-military passive parts. You have to pay around 80K for the phono + line stage and 7 metal boxes that between other things could " impress " to some gentlemans.
Yes, to all those manufacturers market/audiophile owner niche obviously they had to work over time.
But the issue is: true/real justification of the high tag prices, what are reiciving any one else of us in change when we paid those prices?.
I know very well these two examples and as I said nothing wrong with that because the audio market is a business market and is OK. My comment was not stay against any of those manufacturers but looking for answers to the main price issue., only this. Every one is free to spend his money in the way he wants.