Vacuuming after ultrasonic vinyl cleaning

For anyone who is a proponent of vacuuming their vinyl after an ultrasonic cleaning rather than letting it fan dry, since both sides will be wet how do you protect the "down" wet side during the process? My VPI 16.5 has a foam mat, but that will get soaked over time and may transfer dust/ particles to the cleaned wet surface.

Thanks for any advice.......


@Orthomead- you shouldn't have static problems from cleaning. The VPI could sometimes charge records by over vacuuming. I've only heard positives about the big ClearAudio machine, but have no hands-on experience with the unit. 

I'd go back to basics and look at your methods and processes. The combo cleaning method (Monks point nozzle with thread + older KL and final dry on the Monks) has worked very effectively for me. 

I'd also ask about what's happening apart from the cleaning process or machinery itself. Carpeted floors? Wearing shoes or socks? Those are static generators. 

Neil's (@Antinn) work is rigorous and he might have some additional insight for you as well when he has time. 



Here is the Clearaudio record cleaning solution manual - CA_Cleaning fluids_E+D.pdf (  If you read page 7, it shows how much alcohol to add to their Pure Groove essence "Since our regular Pure Groove has to be shipped as a flammable material, Clearaudio has developed Pure Groove essence which has a low alcohol content, to be easily shipped worldwide. For the proper use just mix the Pure Groove essence fluid with Ethanol denat. (90%) or Isopropyl alcohol (90%), according to the following mixing ratios given below."  and they show adding 30% by volume which yields (30%)(0.9 alcohol) = 27% by volume. 

 Not knowing what little amount of alcohol is in the Pure Groove essence I can only guess that you would end up with ~30% by volume.  One wrinkle, @mijostyn who also has the Clearaudio double matrix used the higher ethanol concentration with less than desirable results. 

the ethanol destroyed the seal in the water pump of my machine 

WRT to static, over-drying is probably the root cause.  Any fully wet process will neutralize any static on the record surface.  You do have the option of using a very small amount of a cationic surfactant to leave as an intentional residue - cationic surfactants are very hydroscopic and form a conductive layer of moisture to prevent static (good to about 30% humidity).  Benzalkonium Chloride (BAK-50) is a cationic surfactant that is often used in DIY record cleaning solutions, just be advised that in its concentrated (50%) form BAK-50 is very hazardous - 31_2006549845_BenzalkoniumChloride50Solution-CASNO-63449-41-2-MSDS.pdf ( use with appropriate PPE.  As far as an in-use concentration - Audiogon Discussion Forum.   If you search Benzalkonium Chloride 50% you will see where to purchase, but not from Amazon.

Personally, I am not a fan of leaving any residue on the record, but there are people who have good results if used very sparingly, and for whatever reason, may be a last resort to managing static and I am advising you accordingly.  FYI - external applied anti-static treatments are not permanent, they will wear off, and any pre-play brushing (that reaches into the groove) dry or otherwise will hasten the deterioration.  

Any of several anti-static devices or strategies actually does work to reduce accumulated static charge on an LP surface. I acquired a meter to measure static charge in order to prove that for myself.  Even the lowly Zerostat works to reduce the charge to negligible (less than 0.2kV), if used properly. So there is no reason or need to choose one's method for cleaning so as to avoid increasing static charge, even assuming that is a real phenomenon (as alleged with respect to vacuum drying). 

@whart Thanks for the input. The VPI is in a room with tile floors and I'm usually barefoot.  The static isn't a huge issue by any means.  Any static that is detected with my highly scientific "forearm hair test" is zapped with the Furutec.  I guess the real question is: Is the small amount of static present after vacuuming going to attract more airborne detritus to the vinyl surface than what would accumulate with the blow dry of the Degritter prior to sleeving? Such worries!!

@antinn Thanks again for all your input, current and past.  I use the Clearaudio ratio exactly as outlined, but have substituted DIW for their cleaning fluid, so hopefully no issue.  I guess this was a more cerebral conundrum than an actual physical problem, trying to fine tune my process as much as possible. Static doesn't really seem to affect my play back, particularly since I started using a Ronxs lighter and tiger cloth. I, too,balk at the idea of using additives to an ultra clean vinyl surface. 

@lewm +1

I suspect this is the time that Roseanne Roseannadanna would say "Never mind" , lol