Anyone tired a Nordost QB4 MK III?

I have an old power wedge and am looking to modernize and upgrade.  Looking for opinions of anyone with experience of the Nordost QB AC distribution Unit.  Thanks!


One thing I will mention, according to Roy Gregory, who has reviewed many Nordost QRT products (for decades literally) in the UK, the QB8 performs better than the QB4. 

You think they would be identical except for outlet number, but that’s what the Brit’s claim. Something to keep in mind if you can stump up the extra cash.

... according to Roy Gregory, who has reviewed many Nordost QRT products ...

Roy Gregory is a shill. He works for Nordost.

Post removed 

The QX4 QB8/4 combo is really nice. I had this with Frey 2 cables all around in a Devore/Leben system. My family would experiment turning the QX4 off and we could all tell. Agree with Steakster on the transparency.