@moonwatcher Other schools of thought...for sure, and overexposure isn’t the only cause. I have a friend with significant hearing loss and tinnitus from anti-depressants. How ironic is that? Made him WAY more depressed.
Stress...it’s not stress alone that can exacerbate tinnitus but the associated physiological effects of stress, like BP, heart rate, tension etc. which is what I meant - so 100% I agree stress can make it worse.
Competing school of thought - yep, but, if you have documented hearing loss is pretty safe to assume the tinnitus is related. My hearing loss is mostly between 500-6000 Hz. My tinnitus is quite high pitched. However there is no way to actually measure the frequency of the tinnitus tone that I am aware of.
You mentioned your hearing rolls of at 12 Khz - the audiometers I’ve been tested only test from 250-8000Hz?
No treatments, therapeutics are 100% snake oil, nothing on the horizon. Hearing aids are not a path I’m willing to try either atm, and my friend I mentioned did go down that path and basically wasted $8K.
There is potential for an implanted device, but unfortunately it is being applied to a more lucrative disorder atm. I know the inventor, I’ll be discussing this further with him shortly.
I am curious though; what would a good quality hearing aid do to the sound of my system? My guess is I would no longer be actually listening to my speakers...thoughts?
Lastly, if you hear of a clinical trial please let me know.