I am sure no one said the Aurender DAC is bad. I’ve not heard that. But I have also not heard tremendous praise for it. So, I am sure it is a good DAC. Most of us that are dedicated to high end sound buy separates… Streamer and DAC. Typically separates at the same level will sound a bit better. Also, you get greater flexibility with separates. You can choose those that sound more to your liking. Also, much easier to upgrade.
Typically when a component breaks in, the sound will mellow, bass become more accurate and the soundstage will open up.
I noticed you mentioned cymbals. When the soundstage opens, it is likely the individual instruments will become more obvious. But your choice of words continues to make me think you are missing overly trebly / harsh high frequency.
When I was upgrading in the first couple decades of pursuing the high end, I noticed the “treble” was decreasing with system upgrades. it started to worry me. So I went on a crusade to listen to real treble… I listened to real cymbals, piano, etc. to my surprise, what was disappearing was the sssssh… it was high frequency hash and distortion… leaving the unadulterated sound of brass.
When the unit is broken in… listen to some big bells, and cymbals. Does the Aurender sound more like brass? Maybe it sounds more natural. That is good.
Btw, I owned Olympic 3’s for many years. Great, natural sounding speakers.
Hope I said something helpful here.