Rockport Avior or Magico S5

Well I am selling my Verity SarastroII and looking at the Rockport Avior or the Magico S5. From what I am hearing the Rockport's are a darker presentation than the Magico's. Both seem to have great sound stage and depth. My Sarastro's I think are more like the Magico S5's and I am thinking of going in a different direction with the system.
What do ya's think?
"The poster was asking opinions about the Rockport Avior vs. the Magico S5. Somehow this thread got diverted to discussions on the merits of various Vandersteen models"

Yes, that tends to happen when ctsooner comes on the scene. We are used to it by now......

Ebm made a good suggestion. That may steer this thread back on its original track.
I'm as much to blame as Ctsooner for taking this in a tangent direction. I just thought it would help the OP see my course of listening to several speakers - Lansche, Magico, Vandersteen and Rockport before deciding on Rockports and why.

Ctsooner - if you would like, just PM me through Audiogon and we can continue to discuss my Vandersteen experience.
Phil,will do.Some get touchy if you don't talk about their gear, lol. Guys, it's easy to steer any thread back on track by posting about the two speakers he asked about. Based on his comments it seems as though he should probably open himself up to a few others in that range and others have said the same. I wonder which speakers would have the best synergy with his other components.