No, it's not the same for the very same reason you brought up: physical touch, which was my point. Akin but not exact. Everyone who pushes streaming sounds like they're reciting ad copy from the manufacture. Others here have pointed out that all that's out there doesn't really appeal to them. Same with me.
The main point of my take was that there's music out there in a store setting that you happen upon whereas with streaming you have to intentionally look for something you have no idea of exists. No algorithm is going to push that at you.
For the price of one CD you have a tenuous hold on all that music as the provider can change or drop it at will. You never really own it. You're just renting it, and by the sound of it, hoarding it. Some of the time it's not what they say it is (HiRez). There is also music that is only on CD that's not available online (certain versions, takes, special editions, rare venues, etc.).
If this were happening in China (which we're starting to emulate) you'd all be getting high marks for being that good citizen/consumer.
All the best,