First, two facts about me: I've worn hearing aids for sixty years; I have been into audio for sixty years. Now, what to do. Find a good, patient audiologist, one who works with musicians. I stress patience. Choice of type of aid will make all the difference. Go with two, one in each ear. I have tried both in the ear, and over the ear. Currently, for me, the in the ear works best and that includes when using headphones. Get 'full shell' molds. Aids must be digital, so that one of the 'programs' is a music one, tailored to your loss in each ear. That should take care of the 'balance' issue. Get aids that use Mead Killion technology, like the DigitK circuit. More information on the is available at the 'General Hearing' web site. Killion does work for the ER buds units. Remember, programmed hearing aids for in-effect EQ units. Go for units that have 16 or more channels, 20 is better. Questions welcomed.