Rant: PSA to builders, housewives, and general complaint

In our search for a new house, I’m seeing some disturbing and annoying trends, mainly, living rooms where the ONLY place to put a TV is way high above a fireplace. This leaves zero flexibility for tv placement, additional audio components etc. Most don’t even have plugs. I'm also in Texas and there's ZERO need for a fireplace.

Not to mention all the "open concepts" we’re seeing where the living room is strangely shaped and the kitchen is basically in the room where you hear all the kitchen noise and you’re 100% accessible to your spouse and their conversation (ramblings).

This isn’t a problem if you have $2m to spend but for most of us, we’re limited in where we can set up our toys and this does not help.

Thank you for listening.


There are few things I love more in winter than sitting on front of a mature wood fire with glowing coals, sipping a fine Bourbon and listening to my rig. 

There is something primal and magical about a wood fire and the deepest, warmest heat there is.  It's a lost luxury IMO. Add fine liquor and Hifi and I'm deeply happy. 

@mhemusic thanks and great suggestion for getting the screen to a lower level but that still doesn't do anything for my media cabinet, wires, center channel, possible short throw projector.  

I love having my main system in the main living area because it gets used alot.  Others can envy, criticize, or enjoy it often. When I've had a "man cave" i rarely used it because it was so separated from everything and everyone. 

@yesiam_a_pirate agree!  I'm not anti fireplace, just anti most $400k-900k homes build the fireplace right in the main entertainment spot of the house, right where my system should go forcing me to work around it where it's totally unused 99.9% of the time.

A fireplace off to the side or out of the way is great., as long as nothing is too rattly on the doors and such.


unless I was hiring the contractor to be my decorator, why would I care the slightest about what the contractor thought about feng shui or anything else regarding home decoration? If he laughed at me, he'd be a contractor looking for another gig and I'll find a good one who respected clients. 

I wasn't suggesting you should care, let alone hire such a person. I was pointing out that many contactors seem to be fairly oblivious about how livable various floor-plans are. At least, that's been my experience. 


@mhemusic - that's a great idea; I'd not heard of that - thank you! I'll check out the link, but I hope one can use one's own artwork? 

@stuartk - yes, I totally agree with you on that; I misunderstood the point.