I do enjoy my music ’live, and in person’...
...until recently.
3 venues: In order, a symphony hall, a medium club, and a larger hall.
The symphony: Not ghastly seats, but the performance came off as weak....in an acoustic level of quality....but an enthusiastic response from the audience, in a polite fashion (typ. for the crowd...) = 😎
The club: ’Meh’ acoustics, but they’ve been around long enough to play to the strengths of the venue....a rambunctious crowd that seemed to go off at a cough, not so much.... = 🤨
Larger hall: Loud lousy mix, and a crowd that was able to drown out the performance at will, and they definitely had enough of one. The performance and performers intrigued, but not enough to make me tolerate the audience.... = 😖
I think I’ll invest my ’entertainment $s’ at home....when ’we’ can drown the performers in sheer spl....
I’m out.
....and so much for ’live immersion’.....
At home, be it ever so.... I can Immerse self easily, happily, and painlessly.
Linkwitz once commented on ’ignoring the room’ with his dipoles in the 4 ’corners’; made a lot of sense to me, and still does.
Esp. with omnis....such as the Walsh format, which Yes, one can play loud enough to thrill (or whatever you need to experience.....) with 2, L & R.
Funny thing about them....4, L,R, F & R....’perceived loudness’ increases nicely, and doesn’t lead to frying the coils or creasing cones....or both. *S*
This doesn’t mean that they’re the only things I listen to, no.
But...they are the ones I prefer to do so.
Surround myself....and give up. *L*
Happily yours, J