Does someone’s opinion affect your opinion?

So I have a very nice turntable with a new MC cartridge which I liked and enjoyed…that is until someone said that the cartridge was very “piercing” and in his opinion almost unlistenable. Now I find I am not enjoying it as much. Two things to add, he is not anymore “golden ear” than me, and the brands are well known with good reviews. 
But now, I don’t enjoy it as much. I know I shouldn’t let it bother me, but it does and it has impacted my enjoyment.

So, has this happen to you and what did you do? 


Thinking a bit further, if given multiple opinions, do you give the latest ones (in more recent memory) more weight? Obama was rumored to have this habit.

Do other people’s opinion affect my opinion?  Only if the other people are the doctor and the radiologist. 

Nope and I always seek a second opinion when it comes to health. In Audio opinions are like .... holes, and I do not care what yours is. 

In the opposite i searched for the greatest possible numbers of opinions, i welcome them all, especially in health or in audio, because i trust my ability to separate wheat and chaff ... I consider myself the last one to listen to because it is me who decide for my life or for my audio experience... it resulted in happy consequences in my health and in audio...

Nope and I always seek a second opinion when it comes to health. In Audio opinions are like .... holes, and I do not care what yours is.