Dunlavy SC IV extra tweeter felt?

My Dunlavys have 4 diamond shaped pieces of felt over the tweeter, unlike the other models. Anyone seen this or know why
You have some of the best designed speakers ever produced. I have a pair of the SC-IVs as the front speakers in our reference HT room with an SC-I for the center channel and a set of SC-IIIs for the back corners. Then using two ceiling mount Thiels for the last two channels. Running double SVS subs mounted on Mapleshade bases spiked to the floor to round out the system.

I have found that Dunlavy speakers do more things well than any other speaker line, short of spending 20K or more. Any tweak in the chain is immediately apparent. My guess is similar to what has already been expressed about the felt treatment. If you want to experiment a bit with the sound you might want to try some of the Marigo Dots. I have used these with a couple of applications to adapt the sound to the room acoustics.
The felt help remove peaks in response that can happen because of cabinet design... We were doing this in the late 70's... Felt can make a serious improvement in cutting defraction... depends on the drive and cabinet.
I wonder if there might be some confusion here about whether the thick wool felt was utilized to closely surround specific drivers or actually attached to the cones/domes of drivers?

Felt being "present" for example is pretty vague.

My assumption in my response was the OP saying four felt pieces were attached to (over?) the domes of his tweeters. If that was not the case then disregard my comments.
I agree, there seems to be some confusion. Does the OP have the ability to post any pictures of his speakers?