You Can Get Rich From 'Snake Oil'!

Yes, vast fortunes await those who are willing to expose the "snake oil" that's rampant in audiophile land. Audiophile fuses, audiophile network switches, audiophile cables - it's all snake oil, according to the "experts." Here's just one recent claim:

The facts are that there is no theoretical improvement possible with any audiophile tweaks, and you have to have a solid understanding of how things work to understand that. And here is the problem, people without any relevant knowledge make fantastical claims of things that just cannot be true and it is easy to verify that is the case.

Stephen Tuttle laid the template for resolving audiophile misdirection in his action against Music Direct. Those who claim similar frauds here should follow suit. After all, "it is so easy to verify."

Imagine the enormity of the Class Action suit - the untold hoards who have been misled by placebo and expectation bias! Imagine the number of newbies that will be spared from misinformation!  And, of course, the vast wealth that will accrue to the plaintiffs as entire segments of the audiophile industry are taken apart and dissolved, with their ill-gotten gains distributed in strict accordance with a court order.

The naysayers are wasting their time here arguing with just a handful of audiophiles in our little corner of the Internet. They should be like Tuttle. Demonstrate the courage of their convictions (remember: "it is easy to verify"). Get some lawyers. Expose the truth.

Report back when done. Until then, they're just talking to themselves.


Ag insider logo xs@2xcleeds

I am amazed by the stupidity of some so called experts...

They are no more wise than the crowds they despise about his ignorance...


Now think about that : what is an "expert" out of his expertise field ?


A man in the crowd, as ignorant in other fields than any man taken by chance from the crowd...


An "expert" in audio must be specialized, then do he know all aspect of acoustic , psycho-acoustic , electricity and dac and amplification and speakers or headphone electronic and physical design , software engineering, recording engineering, physics, neurology of hearing, music , and some other field i forgot ?

No he does not ...

What is a sound ?

How do we hear ?

What do we hear ?

Even today these questions did not have unanimous definitive answer... And in ANY unanimous consensus in science there may be an imprevisible revolution coming soon ....

For example "placebo" and "biases" .... These concepts are very complex and most people using them against audiophiles dont even know what are the complex implication of their meaning ...These critics means "illusion" and "deception" when they use this sophisticated concepts generally in a simplistic unilateral way against audiophile ...


Myself i decided few years ago to experiment to learn a bit and have fun ...

There is no "experts" in audio who understand all aspect of audiophile experience...

We must consult expert for some specific answer coming from their expertise for sure.....

The rest is fun experiment in which we ourselves learn...


«Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts» Richard Feynman


«Experts are also pawns and tools in a "game" they cannot master themselves » -- Anonymus corporate multi billionnaire


«Secrets result, and  hidden mysteries stay safely  as they are, by the compartmentalization of expertises» Anonymus pentagon expert 



»Science has already been sold to the best offer» Anonymus Mephistophele’s assistant


«I am only an expert, my wife is the generalist»-- Groucho Marx 🤓

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