Integrated amplifier for Fritz Speakers

Hi All,

I started a discussion about "Monitors for 14 x 20 Room" back last November. There was a lot of good advice and Fritz Speakers kept being positively mentioned.

At the time, I thought WAF would be low for a larger sized monitor. Now I think I have the stage set for Fritz speakers and am thinking either new Carreras or Carbons. 

I would prefer an integrated amp because it is one less piece of equipment io place in in a constrained space.

I would also prefer solid state to solid state, in order to have this system as problem free as possible.

Your ideas and suggestions, please 








The Belles Aria integrated would be high on my list in your price range used.  Here’s one, but he’s the second owner so I’d make him pay shipping/fees at his asking price.

I'm very fond of Schiit gear -- a new "just an amp" Ragnarok comes in right at your budget. For a few bucks more, you can add an internal DAC and phono preamp.

fritz’s speakers come with a very high end be tweeter or a more forgiving (but less resolving) cloth dome tweeter

the carrera be and its ilk are best used with uber smooth refined solid state, such as hegel, pass, ayre, primare i-30, and so on

the lesser models such as carbon et al can be used with more typical solid state -- belles a/b, marantz, rotel, bryston and that ilk

Lots of good advice here. Thanks everyone!


@jjss49 and @j_andrews I appreciate the sound characterization of the Fritz speakers. This was the sort of info I was hoping to obtain. I had a pair of Tyler Speakers with cloth dome tweeters and they were a bit too laid back for my tastes. I might find the same situation with the Carbons...

This is going to be work! I appreciate everyone's advice to think this through a bit. For example, my First Watt F7 amp paired with Klipsch Forte iv's resulted in an enjoyable listen but the "I am here" presence of the Forte's is lost.

I certainly should speak with Fritz again. He and I talked last fall when I was inquiring whether he still built any towers (he does not).

And we have not even discussed the source yet. Due to space constraints, I need to think CD player and not separate DAC and transport, so another opportunity...

Thanks, again!



I'm glad someone with a lot more experience and higher post count mentioned it before me (soix), but I have yet to find a speaker that the humble 75W Belles Aria couldn't drive. In fact I demoed the Fritz Carbon 7 with the Belles and it was a great pairing. In speaking with Fritz, it was apparent that he also loves David Belles' products.