Lots of good advice here. Thanks everyone!
@jjss49 and @j_andrews I appreciate the sound characterization of the Fritz speakers. This was the sort of info I was hoping to obtain. I had a pair of Tyler Speakers with cloth dome tweeters and they were a bit too laid back for my tastes. I might find the same situation with the Carbons...
This is going to be work! I appreciate everyone's advice to think this through a bit. For example, my First Watt F7 amp paired with Klipsch Forte iv's resulted in an enjoyable listen but the "I am here" presence of the Forte's is lost.
I certainly should speak with Fritz again. He and I talked last fall when I was inquiring whether he still built any towers (he does not).
And we have not even discussed the source yet. Due to space constraints, I need to think CD player and not separate DAC and transport, so another opportunity...
Thanks, again!