Are my speakers now the "weak link"?

Hi All, I have been upgrading my system over the last year or so. I am now wondering whether my Sophia series 1 speakers are limiting the performance of the system. That being said, I have no complaints and really enjoy the sound I have. However, the speakers are now 10 years old. The rest of the system: VPI Scoutmaster/SDS/Soundsmith Paua/Transparent Reference phono cables/Herron VTPH-2 phono stage/Musical Fidelity TriVista DAC/Musical Fidelity A3.2 CD/Musical Fidelity NuVista 800 Integrated amp/Transparent reference cables and power cables/Transparent Powerbank 8.
I listen to vinyl primarily, but I also really enjoy the sound of my CDs on this system.
Thanks for your opinions.
Actually, I love the phono. It is my primary source. I also enjoy the CDs, but listen to vinyl much more. As I said, I don't feel that anything is "wrong" at the moment. Just trying to upgrade commensurately. Sorry if I was not clear on that. Have you all heard the NuVista 800 yourselves? It replaced the KW500, which I also liked quite well. Thanks for all your comments.
Also, while i have not had the room analyzed by a pro, I don't have any obvious problems with the room acoustics. It is 15x 21 x 9. The walls are asymmetrically lined with shelves and a fireplace, and openings into adjacent rooms and hallway.
You don't really have to change anything. On paper your system seems fundamentally well balanced. I mentioned that there are better turntables, but your VPI is a high quality unit and there's nothing weak about it. My thinking is that if vinyl is your primary source, then maximize it.
amp... def. then a current generation cd player...and you will then get a new table.