Are my speakers now the "weak link"?

Hi All, I have been upgrading my system over the last year or so. I am now wondering whether my Sophia series 1 speakers are limiting the performance of the system. That being said, I have no complaints and really enjoy the sound I have. However, the speakers are now 10 years old. The rest of the system: VPI Scoutmaster/SDS/Soundsmith Paua/Transparent Reference phono cables/Herron VTPH-2 phono stage/Musical Fidelity TriVista DAC/Musical Fidelity A3.2 CD/Musical Fidelity NuVista 800 Integrated amp/Transparent reference cables and power cables/Transparent Powerbank 8.
I listen to vinyl primarily, but I also really enjoy the sound of my CDs on this system.
Thanks for your opinions.
look to improve your room acoustics and then and only then start upgrading your system.
Actually, I love the phono. It is my primary source. I also enjoy the CDs, but listen to vinyl much more. As I said, I don't feel that anything is "wrong" at the moment. Just trying to upgrade commensurately. Sorry if I was not clear on that. Have you all heard the NuVista 800 yourselves? It replaced the KW500, which I also liked quite well. Thanks for all your comments.
Also, while i have not had the room analyzed by a pro, I don't have any obvious problems with the room acoustics. It is 15x 21 x 9. The walls are asymmetrically lined with shelves and a fireplace, and openings into adjacent rooms and hallway.