C.d player with built in Pre amps i.e Wadia

Just wondering what manufacture's make a CD player that uses a digtal volume control, so you can connect straight to the poweramp? is it a better way to go if you dont have any other need for a Pre-amp, currently using a passlabs X01? I only realy know of Wadia and the Opus 21, what else is out there.
Volume control is via the analog outs of the cdp, not the digital out. In any event, I have the Opus 21 and, in my system, I strongly prefer using a separate preamp. However, this is a personal preference thing and largely system dependent, I suppose. You will only know what's best in your system by trying it both ways.
I use the Resolution Audio CD55. It has a variable analog output and I am hooked. I still use a preamp but my preamp doesn't have remote volume so I use the built in volume control on the CD player. I liked it so much I bought a second unit and have one in both systems. Bought both on Audiogon. Their is a fixed output available via a DIN type connector as well. I have compared my player to two of my friends well reviewed Marantz CD players and I feel the Resolution Audio player slightly outperformed both models overall. FYI - the owner/designer of Resolution Audio is a great guy and he makes truly innovative products. I have no ties with them in any way - just saying I like their stuff.

Raysonic 168 is incredible, and affordable. See 6moons review.

I bought one, but had no intention to use the variable out. I found it so good, I sold a $3K preamp!