With the BACCH if you read there is no degradation of timbre and the spatialization of the original acoustic trade 0ff of the recording engineer manifest more holographically and clearly in your room with speakers or headphone... There is a special set of psycho-acoustic measures for each listener which made the system personalized for any number of people..
For sure the spatialization is recording dependant and is related to your own acoustic room...
it is not a surround system at all , it is a 3-D system designed first for 2 channels... It is not a gimmick for sound effects it is a new mathematical design to help music perception...
Then any old stereo recording will benefit to some extent ... No need to buy a marginal number of specialized mixed albums for it...
It is a revolution not a gadget...😊
Read the scientific papers of Choueiri... He is a scientist not a marketer...
For me anyone with an already relatively good system can benefit from it in a way any other upgrade will be if not useless throwing his money at the wrong place ...
To understand what it is you must read his science papers and vulgarization...it is not marketing it is acoustic revolution...