I was in the same position about 2yrs ago. I had a late 80's Ittok LVII / Valhalla table and decided to upgrade. I did a lot of research and concluded that upgrading a Linn LP12 is not a black art, rather it is a carefully considered process. There are several non Linn upgrades that are just as effective, and maybe more so, and certainly cost much less in direct comparison to official Linn alternatives.
I would upgrade the bearing to at least Cirkus level, and upgrade your arm to at least an Ittok LVII.
Hercules II outboard power supply.
Mober Inner Platter, Linn outer platter and new springs grommets etc.
Stack Serene chassis, top plate, bottom plate and arm board.
Upgraded DIN to RCA cable.
Watch several You Tube videos until you can literally play back a complete video in your head from memory. Then dive in.
The upgrade and building process is not a black art or rocket science. It is very simply actually, but needs careful patient work.
I was rewarded with a much more expansive sound. The first thing I heard was a darker, quieter background, which allowed microdetails to be more easily heard. Speed stability increased. Bass was deeper and more precise. Midrange clarity improved, and treble is cleaner overall.
I was able to sell off unneeded parts. Net cost of upgrades was less than $1800 US, and I now have a table that easily defeats a Majik level build.