You mentioned plug and play. The Rega P8 is the definition of that and can be had in the low $3K range and if you put it on a wall shelf on top of a Townshend platform (I think around $5-600 nowadays since Max passed away unexpectedly) you will eliminate vibrations dramatically and foot falls completely. If foot falls are not a problem, the Townshend alone will solve your vibration problems. You get the RB880 arm which is fantastic. You can't beat the value, and it is in your budget range (including a good value MC cartridge - you didn't mention wanting to replace that or what phono stage you are using).
If you want to spend more and start mixing and matching arms and tables, you can go down the path like @mijostyn and others are mentioning (unless you want to spring for an end game table like an SME) or you can get the Rega P10, but that price is getting into tables with excellent built in suspensions. There are no dealers of SOTA near me and I will not buy a table and ship it. I personally would stay away from VPI because their arms are a rip off.
The LP 12 is legendary, but too finicky and way more expensive than it used to be (what isn't? )new things have come out in the last 50 years. I'm not saying you have to get the latest and greatest, but there have been improvements.