What would your "perfect speaker" sound like.

What would your perfect speaker sound like. Not interested in the brand, or the a speaker you heard at a friends house or audio show This is a thought experiment. Simply conjur up the most divine sound in you mind and tell us what you are conjuring. 

Please be brief, 


It has to sound like live music.   Beautiful tone.   Wide dynamic range and ability to scale.  Elastic quality , fluid.    Is that asking  too much?  

There is no such thing as a perfect speaker at ANY price bracket. When you have a few different speaker designs and realize their pros and cons, you would get a feel for 'perfection'  constrained by the limitations of an engineering design space (that any engineer is subject to).

Instead of looking for a perfect speaker, focus on building a perfect room. The latter is much more achievable than a perfect speaker.

Natural, balanced, and they disappear into the performance.  Hope that’s brief enough.