wadia ipod dock-- anyone find faults?

see good things but also see resales after short use. anyone care to comment on weaknesses?
I was taught to believe there are no stupid questions.
As an analog fan I could not understand why someone would want to convert a digital signal to analog, just stick with you records and you should be fine. I did not find the compact disc satisfying myself so I pretty much never really came on board. Don't get me wrong, I have owned many CD's in my time just never really enjoyed them so much as my vinyl.
So we invent a digital signal and then invent a way to make it sound analog? Hmmmm. I always thought that less was more.
I like Tobias's explanation. I now love my iPod and the ease it gives me to enjoy my favorite recordings, in a lossless format of course.
When I don't understand something I am never embarrassed to ask a question, not asking would be more of an embarrassment. Does one have to be a rocket scientist to enjoy ones music, I think not.
Sorry Dreadhead, I was just joking around.

I like simplicity as well, and from a different perspective that's probably why I like digital. Put a small shiny disc into a metal box and press a button. VoƮla!

There are many people like you that don't like the sound of the digital format. I've never really warmed up to all these over/up-sampling DACs myself. I prefer the non-oversampling variety or the tubed ones. They sound more natural. More real. More, er...analog.
Gunbei, please, no apology necessary. I enjoy a thread that causes one to think as well as to laugh, especially at ones self. I find there are many things in life I do not understand and question on a daily basis. I hope to never stop learning.
Yioryos, expose myself? Do you mean in my ignorance on the subject matter? I take no shame in exposing myself. By the way, I don't understand the scoring systems in golf or tennis, and I can't play chess either. Now I stand completely naked. Not a pretty sight.

My biggest issue with usb were the dropouts. I couldn't get into PC sound as I was just waiting for a stumble. With firewire, there aren't any hiccups at all. The sound with firewire is just more flowing, more musical. I get a nice soundstage, low level resolution, slam, presence of the instruments, air - all which was missing from usb. I don't know of any firewire dacs. I use an MAudio firewire to spdif converter into my dac. Two other issues - first, with firewire, you aren't limited to dacs with a usb input - any dac is fair game. Second, and more improtant - usb was never intended to be used for audio pass through, while firewire was. USB was created to hook up peripherials (printers, mose, keyboard, scaner, etc) and nothing more. USB transmits packest of info - which is't the way to go for pc audio. Firewire streams the data. Much, much better.