Dennis Had FIRE 300 B tube SET

Hi- I have Fire Bottle 300B on the way. Any info from an owner of one of these is greatly appreciated, and… has anyone placed a tube preamp ahead of it? I have a Rogue RP-1…


I see Quicksilver Audio mentioned here. I stopped by their Website yesterday and it seems that Mike is now only manufacturing two lower powered pairs of monoblock amplifiers (The KT mono and Mid mono) and an integrated amplifier. He still has a few different preamplifiers for sale though and of course, his headphone amplifier.


Interestingly, the downsizing of amps came about for multiple reasons as I understand it.  Mike was able to consolidate the former push pull Mono 60, 80, and Mono 120 amps into single amp to run all of the larger KT tubes ranging from KT66 to KT170s for higher power applications, yet with lower power now gives delicacy of lower power amp sound. Not sure how he pulled this off, but it works.

The Mid-Mono ("50% Triode" - Ultralinear) as he calls it, remains, essentially more optimized for EL34, KT77, yet can run up to KT120. Another point of consolidation.

And of course the neat little EL84 integrated and the headphone amp, and one Linestage.

As a former Inspire amp owner myself, I’ve been following along with folks who’ve added the Quicksilver Mid Mono amps into their collection with higher efficiency horns speakers. I’d love to put Dennis’ 2030 or CJ5 preamp in front of the new Quicksilver Mid Mono amps to see how that sounds. Good fun.

@buellrider97 Buellrider97

thanks for the ok on the Rogue RP-1. Using it at all was a big step for me. The Bluesound Node v3 was my preamp/streamer for a long time, especially with a handy remote. But then came an external DAC add-on with the Denafrips Ares ii, and a huge improvement to the sound of the Bluesound Node when it is at FIXED volume, (with a preamp now), over its use in VARIABLE volume levels.
And one can program a preset to TV with that remote, whereby VOLUME changes between streaming and TV are drastically varied…. ( really need the Rogue remote to adjust away from my wife’s complaints of “ turn the bass down”, in shared wall scenario). Pairing the Inspire 300 B with the Inspire 2030 preamp was a thought, but no remote unfortunately. And it wouldn’t be very cost-effective but a beautiful matching pair to look at would have been nice.
Awaiting the “signature delivery “ from FEDEX😟, of my Inspire 300 Bv … already two hours late of forecasted 4-hour OUT FOR DELIVERY window. Why did SELLER choose them over UPS?

Good to see some other Dennis Had fans (Hadophiles, Hadmen, Hadatolas, Hadmeisters?) as these hand made point to point wired amps are simply works of art, and a relative bargain compared to some "exotica" out there. Rare but cool.

   I know it’s too soon, but I/we would love to hear your initial impressions. Also after further consideration with the RP-1 being Rogues entry level offering, if the Had deserves a better pre? I was looking at Don Sachs website, and it looked like a remote on top of the pre he was offering for sale. Looking forward to your update. But absolutely change out the JJ’s in the Rogue. Cheers , Mike B. 


551 posts


No replies so far, maybe no owners here.  I just discussed this amp last week with a friend looking to buy a 300b.  My concern is that Dennis is using less expensive components to make an amp that sells for $4k with $1.5K ouput tubes.  You can see the less expensive components in the photos of the insides available on the internet.  

I also like a larger driver tube in a 300b so I sent him to a boutique amp maker I know who uses a 6V6 driver.

Dennis has a great reputation and probably knows where best to invest in a design so I hope it sounds great for you.  Please report back on how it sounds.

I always put my pre in front of my integrated and turn the integrated up all the way.  What I really need in an amp with multiple inputs.  Don't know why that isn't normally made.



1,749 posts


A buddy has Dennis’ latest Inspire 2030 preamp. It’s used alternately in front of his two other Inspire Triode 2A3/45 and SEP KT88/6L6 amps. He was about to buy Dennis’ 300B amp, and decided not to pay the premium for the new WE300Bs.

All of its being consolidated now with other things going on, both amps and the areamp will be listed in the next few weeks. Both of us agreed the sound in Dennis’ designs starts with his preamps.I own one of Dennis older preamp designs myself fwiw. Enjoy your DH 300B, it can be nice paired with the right speakers.


39 posts


I think the owners all congregate over at Audio Aficionado. You gotta pay to use the forum but it is the best place to see what he is up to. Dennis reads all of the posts there and some of his tech partners are there too. 

The choice to use the WE 300b is a great example of how he selects the components to use. He tunes the amp to a sound and uses the parts he needs to get there. You can see some fancier caps in some of his other amps but he only uses them where he thinks it will make a positive difference. Fancy, more expensive parts are not objectively better in every case. Some folks get the idea that it is the parts that determine the sound when in reality it is the entire circuit. It is much more important to “tune” the amp and use the parts that get the sound you want. Mick from Supratek will customize builds for you but he won’t change the components he uses. He knows what his preamps sound like and the reputation they have built. He won’t build with boutique parts because they make his preamps sound different but not necessarily better. He can stand behind his design and the sound quality of his preamps but he doesn’t want to send out something that doesn’t sound like the rest of his gear. Dennis has been making 300b amps for over 50 years and is intimately aware of the different compromises that go into the sound of an amp. Like Mick, he builds to a sound  

But speaking of compromises, his current round of amps have fewer of them because he is doing it for fun. He is retired and does not depend on amp sales to make a living. They are a labor of love for him. He says the current amps are the best sounding he has ever made. I believe him. Mine is certainly wonderful:)

charles1dad's avatar

10,035 posts



I appreciate your informed post. I have never heard a Dennis Had SET/SEP amplifier but I do not doubt that they sound terrific!



1,749 posts


@charles1dad fyi, fwiw. Between my former Cary SLI-80 and Cary V12 amps, Denis built me an Inspire Hot Rod with KT150s. He really wanted me to try it given my past with his former Cary designs. I used my Cary SLP-98 preamp to drive it for about a year. Still use the same preamp today, like it quite a bit for my needs. 

While the smaller Inspire amps were a little better at mid-volume levels, it never quite drove my 6ohm 93db sensitive speakers properly at low volume levels. Kept my Cary 6SN7 preamp and, re-sold all of the Cary Inspire amps. On to the next Mono amps I went. I share this as those amps are sensitive to speaker selection.  


Due to my speakers not being ultra efficient or closer to stable 8ohm higher impedance, I had to try something else, more, different - it paid off.

Moved to larger Quicksilver Mono 120s with the much larger and higher quality transformers. For my own reasons to compare apples-to-apples, I upgraded to much higher-end coupling caps and a better small signal input/driver tube set. Much-much better drive and clarity at low volume listening levels (night time listening). After the cap and tube upgrades, boom, game over, done. Never looked back. The new QS KT Monos are sweet, more versatile for speaker matching. Simply put a great triode preamp in front of them, and the result is high value.

jond's avatar

5,460 posts


@isaacc7 A very well written and well informed post I've enjoyed Cary gear from the Dennis Had era and I have no doubt his current amps sound good paired with appropriate speakers.

charles1dad's avatar

10,035 posts



I certainly understand your preference for the bigger and more powerful Quicksilver push-pull mono blocks. It absolutely depends on what one is seeking to accomplish. Undoubtedly the bigger amplifiers allows greater speaker choice flexibility etc. For my particular needs SET 300b mono blocks are the best solution. Each individual scenario will invariably differ.


moose89's avatarAg insider logo xs@2x
moose89 OP

128 posts


I appreciate these intelligent responses. I asked Dennis if I should Rogue hybrid preamp with some Baldwin tubes… into his Inspire 300B amplifier . I await reply.

I told him I stream off a Bluesound to Denafrips Ares ii… Apple Play… into my Heritage Klipsch Cornwalls… I’m excited. 102 DB and those 7 WPC… as was mentioned earlier in this post: Dennis knows what components make for the sound he is creating almost like a mathematical equation.

charles1dad's avatar

10,035 posts



I told him I stream off a Bluesound to Denafrips Ares ii… Apple Play… into my Heritage Klipsch Cornwalls… I’m excited. 102 DB and those 7 WPC…

That amplifier should be a marvelous combination with your speakers.I can’t see any reason why it wouldn’t be.



188 posts


I bought a Dennis Had Fire Bottle 45 Amp and LP3.1 Preamp about 3 months ago that were built by Dennis in 2019 (he signs and dates the bottom  of each piece).  I replaced the 45 tubes with a matched pair of Emission Labs 45 tubes and oh my gosh....the amp and preamp blew my mind.  Amazing pieces of gear.


I've heard one of his 300B, and it will be most people's "final amp".  I live just over an hour from Mr. Had and Cary, so many of his builds are around this area.  I spoke with him last month, and he is building a Phono Pre that I have an option to buy.  I'm anxious to see and hear it.


1,749 posts


@charles1dad Totally understand, and would love to have that setup myself.  I’ve only seen the triode 300b version and more recent PSE 300B from Dennis. If you don’t mind the ask, which direction did you end up going for 300b monos?

charles1dad's avatar

10,035 posts


Hi @decooney 

To clarify, I do not own nor have I heard a Dennis Had amplifier. My audio system is listed on this site. I have owned the Coincident Frankenstein SET 300b mono blocks since purchased (Also the Coincident Statement line stage) new in 2009.



6,408 posts


I've been a Dennis Had fan since I bought my Firebottle SEP in 2017. An astonishingly great sounding and extremely well built thing that can utilize many different tube types with aplomb. 


347 posts


   FWIT I run a Rogue RP-1 into an older Firebottle SEP feeding Zu Omens. Schiit Yiggy , Thorens TT and MF transport up front. I have about 15 pairs of power tubes and 6-7 rectifier tubes for the Inspire. The Rogue pairs well with the SEP. I have about 10 sets of various NOS 12AU7’s for the Rogue. I prefer Telefunkens as they really help the Rogue open up. I also run an upgraded power cord and isolation footers. The phono section in the Rogue is lacking and the headphone section sucks. I rotate a 50 wpc SS amp when I play vinyl. I have a Grado Prestige cartridge and it’s not a good match with the Rogue. I hope that can lend some insight to your 300b question. I’ve emailed a few times with Dennis and he’s given me solid advice. He’s about musical enjoyment at a modest price. Regards , Mike B.


26 posts


I have a KT88 Fire Bottle, awesome little amp.  No preamp into Klipsch Forte’s @99 dB sensitive.  Superb soundstage and imagery.  Dead silent when no signal, you’re going to love the 300b with good speaker match. 


61 posts


I see Quicksilver Audio mentioned here.  I stopped by their Website yesterday and it seems that Mike is now only manufacturing two lower powered pairs of monoblock amplifiers (The KT mono and Mid mono) and an integrated amplifier.  He still has a few different preamplifiers for sale  though and of course, his headphone  amplifier. 


234 posts


I have Dennis's PSE-300B amp and love it.  I ordered on a whim to compare to my Coincident Frankenstein 300B monoblocks which have handily bested all comers over the last 7 years.  Well, the PSE crushed the Frankies in most areas over the course of a 4 week A/B period.  I ended up selling my long time Frankies and have not regretted for one minute since.


1,749 posts


I see Quicksilver Audio mentioned here. I stopped by their Website yesterday and it seems that Mike is now only manufacturing two lower powered pairs of monoblock amplifiers (The KT mono and Mid mono) and an integrated amplifier. He still has a few different preamplifiers for sale though and of course, his headphone amplifier.


Interestingly, the downsizing of amps came about for multiple reasons as I understand it.  Mike was able to consolidate the former push pull Mono 60, 80, and Mono 120 amps into single amp to run all of the larger KT tubes ranging from KT66 to KT170s for higher power applications, yet with lower power now gives delicacy of lower power amp sound. Not sure how he pulled this off, but it works.

The Mid-Mono ("50% Triode" - Ultralinear) as he calls it, remains, essentially more optimized for EL34, KT77, yet can run up to KT120. Another point of consolidation.

And of course the neat little EL84 integrated and the headphone amp, and one Linestage.

As a former Inspire amp owner myself, I’ve been following along with folks who’ve added the Quicksilver Mid Mono amps into their collection with higher efficiency horns speakers. I’d love to put Dennis’ 2030 or CJ5 preamp in front of the new Quicksilver Mid Mono amps to see how that sounds. Good fun.

moose89's avatarAg insider logo xs@2x
moose89 OP

128 posts


@buellrider97 Buellrider97

thanks for the ok on the Rogue RP-1. Using it at all was a big step for me. The Bluesound Node v3 was my preamp/streamer for a long time, especially with a handy remote. But then came an external DAC add-on with the Denafrips Ares ii, and a huge improvement to the sound of the Bluesound Node when it is at FIXED volume, (with a preamp now), over its use in VARIABLE volume levels.
And one can program a preset to TV with that remote, whereby VOLUME changes between streaming and TV are drastically varied…. ( really need the Rogue remote to adjust away from my wife’s complaints of “ turn the bass down”, in shared wall scenario). Pairing the Inspire 300 B with the Inspire 2030 preamp was a thought, but no remote unfortunately. And it wouldn’t be very cost-effective but a beautiful matching pair to look at would have been nice.
Awaiting the “signature delivery “ from FEDEX😟, of my Inspire 300 Bv … already two hours late of forecasted 4-hour OUT FOR DELIVERY window. Why did SELLER choose them over UPS?


6,408 posts


Good to see some other Dennis Had fans (Hadophiles, Hadmen, Hadatolas, Hadmeisters?) as these hand made point to point wired amps are simply works of art, and a relative bargain compared to some "exotica" out there. Rare but cool.


347 posts


   I know it’s too soon, but I/we would love to hear your initial impressions. Also after further consideration with the RP-1 being Rogues entry level offering, if the Had deserves a better pre? I was looking at Don Sachs website, and it looked like a remote on top of the pre he was offering for sale. Looking forward to your update. But absolutely change out the JJ’s in the Rogue. Cheers , Mike B.


Sorry to hear I was late a day, to Don Sachs last making of his preamp  Rogue RP-1 is as they say… BETTER than a junior offering, sounds darn good with Dennis Had WE so far, which can make a flattened can of Spam sound good… what other Preamp do you like?