Dear @wynpalmer4 : I really do not disagree with your concept of neutrality in your design in what I'm not totally sure is in those " non-empirical " refered in your post:
" Your preferences are, frankly, inconsequential without some non-empirical basis to support them. "
In non-empirical basis researchs tells that human been can listen from as down 4hz to over 50khz because you and any one else " hear " with all our body not only the ears
We " listen " through the bones, through the body skin, through the hair, through the millions of nervous terminations in the body, through the muscles and so on.
But each human been whole body it's " damaged " in different ways against any other human been for ovbious reasons as age, health level, life experiences, mood, life type of nutrition and the like that along other reasons affects any single body cell. So what our brain detect is not exactly the same on each audiophile.
From all those and more comes the preferences. You said that your design is neutral and technically can be but I imagine you voiced it in different room/audio systems and I think that one way or the other you are biased ( with good reasons. ) to your design.
Of course only and opinion.
Regards and enjoy the MUSIC NOT DISTORTIONS,