The most natural sound in the world.

This is absurd, no way to get any realistic impression of what that system in that room actually sounds like. It's more like a mirage. Perfect for youtube but nothing else imo.

Come on!!

Of course we have acknowledged it’s a YouTube video with its sonic limitations noted. Yes we get that!!!

Nontheless I can hear and appreciate the qualities I alluded to above. Mr. Armstrong and Miss Fitzgerald sound quite good regardless of the circumstances. Mr. Peterson on piano sounding quite fine as well. If others find this silly and a waste of time, OK that’s your prerogative and call. I get what @himiguel is doing under these compromised conditions. Can we just lighten up a bit sometimes?


Post removed 

Sorry @charles1dad. You and I are often in agreement about many things, but this is a bridge too far. Think about it. I admit that I have also listened to many systems over the year on youtube, and that's the very reason that I know that it can't be trusted, because usually, they all sound good!

As an aside, I really find the OP's attitude a turn off. He presents his system and his methods as the best and only way to do things which is silly. There are many roads to the destination, and to say for instance, that grounding is more important than, or a substitute for room acoustics seems to be really off.


As an aside, I really find the OP’s attitude a turn off. He presents his system and his methods as the best and only way to do things which is silly. There are many roads to the destination


I definitely agree that there are many roads to a destination and have often expressed that perspective on this forum. I’ve made it pretty clear that I realize the blatant compromises listening via video/YouTube (how could one not concede this?). Despite these shortcomings I can hear distinct sonic/musical differences via this flawed approach. That’s my only point

There is an entire section on the WBF devoted to videos of audio components and systems. I get it. Everyone knows that listening to these presentations in person is a far superior experience. However some listeners do find worthwhile value with video clips (And certainly some do not).

For those who find this whole exercise/endeavor foolish and a waste of time, OK I understand. Just ignore and don’t participate.
