Why is solid state more popular when tubes are better?

Yes tubes are more involved and require periodic maintenance. Hybrid tube components need not apply, these are really solid state.

Tubes are better for multiple reasons and yet the world and the trade prefers solid state. Those rare audio shops that are geared toward stereo listening and serious connoisseurs tend to Focus more on tubes.  Those in business who like to improve volumes tend to offer solid state.  All the YouTube channels looking to improve their business tend to be solid state.  Maybe because tubes require much more expertise to sell, and there's lesser and lesser to go around. Solid state is more of a fast food commodity.

Tubes are difficult for businesses due to all the maintenance and complexity so you see it less often. Much much easier to sell hybrids or solid state.




That's a personal question, I don't have to answer that. Not sure that's relevant. 

Ralph might partly disagree, but tubes are like tape - there is currently no substitute. 

By the way, vinyl has almost zero maintenance once you get things in order. Tape decks need attention.

I don't know why more people don't buy tube equipment. I just know why I don't yet. It is because I want near top level tube equipment and don't want to spend thousands for something midrange that won't give me satisfaction.

@bulbous_blues: +1 Agreed. I like a tube preamp with a good Class D amp myself. Best of both  worlds. Due to the high cost  and low availabilty of "good tubes", I will eventually transition to all solid state. I do have a pair of tube monblocs that I keep around for a change once in a while.