Best internet radio

I am looking for a stand-alone internet radio that connects to my LinkSys wireless router. Has anyone found a great sounding unit.
Thank you.
#1 Check Morning becomes Eclectic Live and archives for many live guests.Expand your musicial horizons.Listen to this also:
Why don't you just get an Airport Express and attach it to some powered speakers (like AudioEngines.. or whatever) and stream from your computer. It would be like $400 tops, and if you wanted you could always get an inexpensive DAC for under a couple of hundred later to improve the sound.

Use iTunes.

It would sound a lot better and likely cheaper than a stand-alone internet "radio", if they even make them.
I am not looking for turning on the computer, waiting for Windows to boot, Open ITunes or find a web site and select the radio station.
I am looking for device that you turn a knob. Like a radio. Type in the web address of favorite web station. Connect through my cable or DSL modem/router.
There is Skype phone device - that connects through home router.
There must be a similar radio.