SPL Diamond DAC - no remote control

I was so excited about getting the new SPL Diamond DAC when I realized that unlike all their other units it does not have remote control capability. Their other units have some peculiarities that make them less than ideal for “consumer” level use, but this one takes the price. I just would really like to know what the thought process was when the conscious decision was made not to supply a pre-amplifier with remote control capabilities. 🤷‍♂️


When you buy a piece of Pro gear or gear from a company with Pro Roots they don't always think like a HiFi enthusiast.  Unfortunately that looks like the case here.   A great unit that no one had the insight to spec a remote volume in.  Would have been easy to do as they make that Alps pot in a motorized form factor.  

If it sounds great I hope the lack of remote doesn't keep you from selling or returning it.   

My CJ preamp had no remote.  That thing sounded great so I guess you could say I “lived with it” but that wasn’t the case at all.  I loved that preamp , it sounded better than the remote controlled pre it replaced.   I hated the volume push button thing.