Will increasing speaker cable AWG make a difference in sound quality?

Increasing speaker cable size (for example w/AQ the cable sizes move up in size from 15AWG to 10AWG) improve sound quality?


@mclinnguy and Tung-Sol is an American Company with plants in Russia. Not sure what your point is about Zavfino.  HP built computers in their garage. Eric Buell built motorcycles in an airport hanger in Kenosha WI. 




Dude, that information is 43 years old. The US didn’t ban new asbestos building products for another 9 years after that article was written. We have learned much since then.

I don’t think Neson Pass tested asbestos wires but probably not the best of ideas anyway.

Do you have any idea how good Nelson’s ears must have been back then?

Per Nelson Pass

Who am I to dispute the feelings of audiophiles who, evaluating any cable in the context of program source, amplifier, speaker, and listening room, decide they can hear the difference? A few guidelines have emerged here, but the final judgment belongs to the user. All the special cables mentioned worked well on the test bench and, given the assumption that series impedance should be minimized, all of them work better than 16 gauge wire. If, like many audiophiles, you have spent a small (or large) fortune on your hi-fi system, money spent for high quality cables and connectors is a reasonable investment.