Costliest Brainfart


I had one today.

While reorganizing my audio rack, with my TT still pretty on top, I decided I just had to level it just right.  And to make this happen, I decided I just had to place a block of wood under the spikes.  And since the block was fairly thick I just had to keep lifting the front higher and higher.  And higher.  

The table slid right off the back and came crashing down onto the floor.  Moerch UP4 arm, bent.  Karat 17d3 stylus, cocked to the side.  The table itself might be salvageable, but I was so disgusted with myself I didn’t bother looking.

A 2K+ brain fart.

Who needs vinyl anyway!

Please list your mishaps if for no other reason than to make me feel a bit better.  😉


".....we're all bozos' on this bus."

Yup, guilty by DNA breaks 'n dents....mouth in motion when brain clutch shattered, wrong space with no time at all prior to the start, affairs pursued even assured of the death spiral ending...

...finished the first Real Pair of diy Walsh; still crude yes, but much improved over the cobbled smaller 1st go...enthused, enjoyed, warts 'n all....

Something To Listen To while moving on to the next iteration, another roughed pair to satisfy a curiosity about omnis 4 early demented notion, yesss...

Yes, the dark side of that moon had muddy secrets to be observed by the absurder...

Until, in a evening of enthusiasm, a crisp *pop* from R front.  No nononono...

Voice coil. Not just failed but fused into a band of stink.

Knew that heat is the enemy of the diy Walsh; lesson now seared into my mind.

Minimums: Kapton formers / vented / RMS rating far above my max. available / thermal fusing a desired 'enhancement'....

...and learn the meaning of Restraint.. 

With a preference to avoid the harder version....(no pun intended, but it's there..)


Seen too many 'performed by others', fortunately or no, not close enough to be a hero or victim...

- A fat arrow of oak, launched by a table saw, zings across 20 yards....misses the head of an employ by transiting just as close to the top curved glass front of an antique display case, finally stopped by the front wall of said shop...

...inches from the pay phone, closer yet to the co-owner on that phone....

All Steve could do is to drop the receiver, turn and stare at all in the shop staring at him....

Of course he exploded....the dent in the wall got painted blood red.



- Install crew leaves a much later day from the facility, crane truck loaded with the rather large illuminated sign to be installed that morning to an impatient client who had the right to be such....having been 'pushed back' time-wise far too long....

15~20 min. later, the call comes in....the unit was now in the middle of an interstate, forming an impromptu barrier to morning rush hour traffic....

Of course it was sideways, 90 deg. +/-....blocking 2.5ish of 4....


Lost track of how many bullets and shrapnel I've had the odd pleasure of not being in the way of, nor directly involved/responsible for.

I've my own...

Better over a drink or 3, or other 'adult enhancement(s)'.... ;)

Seen on a t-shirt in Manhattan, at the bar of a sidewalk tavern.

Tried to talk/barter the guy into giving it up, who just laughed....

"No, we had these printed after a clusterf*ck of outrageous proportions..."

(I listened to the spiel....the guy was right; and the legend on the shirt?












....and that, Dear Friends...

was an understatement....)


I would say that if you haven’t had one of theses experiences there’s definitely something wrong. It’s almost an ongoing right of passage for audiophiles. I’m with you!



Ok. I think you get a pass on driving into your garage with a bike on the roof.

I bought one and the first time I drove home with it on (no bike). I got to the garage and looked at it and thought, there is no possible way sooner or later I am not going to forget and drive in. It, was an absolute certainty. I thought of mounting a mirror above the garage door.


Eventually I did, drive in. But it was really slowly and damage was minimum… to my $5,000 bike. This was 25 years ago. I would have been really sad if I damaged it.