Dalis or Thiels

Any thoughts on the Dali Helicon 4's mk II and the Thiel S 2-4 with mac equipment thanks
This is shamelessly self-serving, but if you end up going with the Thiels, I have a pair of 2.4s (in maple) that I'll be putting up for sale in the next month. If you happen to be within driving distance of Boulder, CO, you could bring your amp and audition them at my house.

Great speakers, beautiful, great imaging... I'm only selling because I decided I wanted to try low powered SET amplification.
I've been running the Dali Helicon 400 v1's for 7-8 years now, very happy with them, but haven't yet heard the Thiels.

The Helicons still did well in a 12x15' bedroom (with queen bed, computer desk, etc), but in this room the placement of the speakers with consideration of the surrounding area/furniture and selecting the right accommodating electronics were key in getting it to sound good.

Now in a 16x21 living room which allows 3' of space behind the speakers and psatisfactory breathing room. Naturally, they sound much more open and free to let the music flow. the ribbon tweeters will be silky unless using bright SS electronics. Lastly, for a taut bass sound, recommend brands known for clean and taught electronics - Sim, Naim, Pass Labs have all sounded great for me.
I haven't heard the Dalis. A long time Thiel owner. I don't recommend Mac with Thiel.

Dali speakers are one of those brands that I hear and always think how nice they sound...those clean, clear, effortless upper mids and top end. And at the same time I always think "Why don't I love these more?"

I'm pretty sure it has to do with the ribbon drivers. I always, always hear them in the mix. So listening I can't help thinking "ribbon driver, ribbon driver, ribbon driver..."

At the recent Montreal Audio show there were several rooms with Dali speakers, and I had the same impression every time.

But this is a "it's me, not you" thing. I don't hate on the Dali speakers at all, they sound beautiful. I just can't seem to get past that issue.

I guess it's that coherence issue that is one of the things that make me prefer the Thiels.
Mac and Thiel are a great combination. Been using for years with 2 different Thiel speakers.