Dalis or Thiels

Any thoughts on the Dali Helicon 4's mk II and the Thiel S 2-4 with mac equipment thanks
I haven't heard the Dalis. A long time Thiel owner. I don't recommend Mac with Thiel.

Dali speakers are one of those brands that I hear and always think how nice they sound...those clean, clear, effortless upper mids and top end. And at the same time I always think "Why don't I love these more?"

I'm pretty sure it has to do with the ribbon drivers. I always, always hear them in the mix. So listening I can't help thinking "ribbon driver, ribbon driver, ribbon driver..."

At the recent Montreal Audio show there were several rooms with Dali speakers, and I had the same impression every time.

But this is a "it's me, not you" thing. I don't hate on the Dali speakers at all, they sound beautiful. I just can't seem to get past that issue.

I guess it's that coherence issue that is one of the things that make me prefer the Thiels.
Mac and Thiel are a great combination. Been using for years with 2 different Thiel speakers.