I went to Outward Bound and after having no food or water for three days, being rained on for a day, snowed on for a day, freezing my butt off, with no tent or sleeping bag and having a trail biscuit and hot tea was one of the best meals I ever had.
Great story.
The lesson I take from ghdprentice's story is that there are some choice points about audio, here:
If one wants better sound but cannot afford it they should deprive themselves, periodically, to appreciate how good their current system is.
Or, one should give up the idea of better sound and just focus on music only, not sound. (That's hard.)
Or, one should figure out what else is worth giving up to afford sound after spending various increments more.
Or, one can try to convince oneself that everyone else who can spends more is deluded. (That's hard, too. Better equipment -- room and gear -- does yield better sound.)