230V Preamp USA

I have the opportunity to purchase a Japanese preamp at a really good price but the amplifier is 230 V. I understand I can step down the voltage with a transformer but what about the frequency? Should I pass on this opportunity?


Most amplifiers/preamps/equipment is designed for 50/60 hz.  I have a 240V European amplifier that runs great on US 240V 60hz power.  IIRC, 60 hz is acttually a little easier on the transformers that 50hz.  

You would have 2 options:  1.  Just install a 240V outlet, like you would for a dryer, welder, or any other high current appliance.  that is what I did.  2.  buy a step up (not down) transformer.  Tripp lite is a good brand.  buying the cheap ones off ebay just provides your high end equipment with poor power.  expect to spend $500 or more.  Oversize it some, although this isn't as important for a pre as it is for an amp.

I assume you've already investigated whther the amp is switchable or rewirable to 120V.  some are.


You'll end up with 230V at 60Hz, giving a little more energy than you would otherwise but this is a typical application.