To Mmeysarosh, Your comment exactly described what I am hearing and have heard over the last 4 years. It is not been painful, just overall disappointing.
At the same time, let me say. the Adagios provide a wonderful accuracy in the mid-range. However, the music DOES NOT sound either real, natural,or organic The few Chesky CD's, I own in many ways show what the speaker is capable. Dynamic range is off the scope. Nevertheless,I have ran out of solutions, and there are so many(if not too many) aspects that factor into good, convincing, hold the listener's attention...sound.
Interestingly,,another member shares the same opinion as Mmyersarosh, that any tweak will make only a marginal difference. Nevertheless, I will try Soix and Almarg advice of changing the output tubes of the Rogue Sphinx hybrid integrated amp. Rogue suggested the Mullards 12AUL which are available on Generalex Gold Lion site. According to the tech at Rogue, this should smooth out the top end with out rounding it off.
The recently acquired "used" Ayre CX-7E is a given in the system, and I was going to have it upgraded to the "mp" version which is the most current design. FOR THE RECORD, I was going to have this done to bring the player to peak performance, and not as a potential cure for the hard edgy sound when playing CD's. This was evident to vary degrees with my former Rega Apollo. Now, I may just hold off until I have these other issues resolved.
Nevertheless, thanks to all those who participated in this "beerhall" rumble.