Pathetic range of Topping remote

On one of my systems I have a Topping DX3pro+.  The remote seems to have about a 6 foot range which makes it just about useless. I have seen comments this is sop for topping.  How does SMSL and RME do in this regard?   

Yes, I can do repeaters etc. Shouldn't have to. Yes the batteries are new. I was considering a Do300 for a couple of features in this system.  RME probably overkill but maybe for a different sys.



I combined two remotes into one. I use it to control volume on my integrated and then use the channel and mute button to pause and track advance on my BS Node

Got the 6 key job.  Seems to be about the same marginal range on my new spec- chasing Chinese wonder DAC.  I have not tried it on the Topping.  Spec on the Sabaj  is 16 feet. No spec from Toping.  It did program very easily which I can't say for others I have had.   

Can't say anything on the DAC other than it plug-and-play just fine. Critical listening and comparisons come later.  I have a suspicion that after a certain level, most companies can produce a decent DAC that is above my system or hearing.  

Only set mute and vol. All I need.   I'm encouraged to look for one for my HT.