Not sure for power conditioner my amp or not.

Hi, I have an VTA ST-120 I built using KT88C’s for my 2 channel. I have all my equipment running through a Torus Power TOT MAX Toroidal Isolation. I have heard 2 different versions on what to do. As far as what to plug my amp into. The wall or the TOT’s? I know this isn’t a "power conditioner" such as PS Audio sells. Should I keep everything plugged into the TOT, so all my grounds are the same and it has the optional surge protection? Or straight into the wall? I tried the wall once, but didn’t hear a difference really. But I didn’t test for long and not sure I ever got to the point of drawing too much power from the amp. Which is the best way to leave it? Thanks! Scott

VTA ST-120


@smoorenc I too use a Torus RM15. When advised by @ghdprentice in fact not to run my Prima Luna evo 400 through it and go directly into the wall outlet, there was an immediate improvement,like night and day in fact. I also was concerned about protection however after doing so though so I added a whole house surge protection breaker.Subsequently I have been learning that that breaker addition is not the end all solution,but it makes me feel a little better anyway. Also yes, beautiful amp!

@bikeboy52  I have a whole home surge protector and my electrician told me that it is advisable to still have surge protection units at critical equipment. Good advice as I have had lightening take out whole home protectors twice which you don't know has happened unless you take off the panel cover and check them every now and then.

I have had the opposite experience. in both of my systems I have found having the amps plugged into power conditioners improved the sound. May be it is the case due to the  "quality" or lack thereof of our local power.

Agree that power conditioners aren't good for amplifiers.  However, balanced power supplies are good for amplifiers.


I have had the opposite experience. in both of my systems I have found having the amps plugged into power conditioners improved the sound. May be it is the case due to the  "quality" or lack thereof of our local power.


It may simply depend upon the specific conditioner in question. I use an AC balanced isolation transformer/ conditioner. Unquestionably the sound quality of the amplifier and every audio component is improved via it as compared to direct wall outlets (20 amp dedicated circuit). I believe that balanced AC power is a step upward.
