Jay's "Ugly Truth" video


Why does this get mentioned so rarely? 

I've experienced the "dark side" and have never had the means to afford gear that's remotely close to the level that Jay focuses on. 

What about you -- can you relate or have you always been able to maintain a healthy balance and avoid being overtaken by obsession? 


On US Audiomart every night during my 3am poop, yes I think I may have a problem. ;)

@jasonbourne71 Wrote:

"Lather was thirty years old today. They took away all of his toys." - Grace Slick/Jefferson Airplane.

Good one!


It's not just audio, you could become obsessed with anything cars, boats, everyone wants bigger and better they're always looking for Utopia.. hobbies aren't usually the best investment

@audioman58 You a coffee drinker? ;-) You've got the Kerouac style down. Or, as Truman Capote said, "That's not writing, that's typing."


While I agree with @bigtwin and @mfili35 that if one has a tendency towards OCD, any hobby can bring this out, I don’t agree that every hobby emphasizes "upgrading" or "taking things to the nth degree" to the same extent as audio.

Furthermore, it’s simply not true that one is either a full-blown OCD case or entirely free from any vulnerability to being overtaken by consumerism. Such black and white thinking does not describe reality.

Focusing upon Jay himself is a handy way to 1) avoid actually looking at the issue, (as is lumping all you tubers into one basket and rejecting them) and 2) assert one’s own perceived immunity from psychological issues. And while I'll agree that Jay can come across as self-important, his demeanor in this video is quite different. 

In retrospect, I shouldn’t have mentioned Jay at all, as it proves an "easy out" for those who do not want to actually engage with the topic.  "Live and learn" as the saying goes.