Any experience with Sonus Faber Electa Amator II?

Hi all-

I've just landed a nice pair of Electa Amator II and stands, a speaker I've been keeping my eyes open for over the past few years. I have great memories of my old Signums, and was hoping that the EAII were similar in voicing, with added bandwidth. Haven't received them yet, but I'll be driving them with a Karan KA-I180 MkII integrated amp, using a Meridian CD source.

I'd like to hear about member's experiences with them, both positive and negative - system matching, setup, opinions, etc.

Bob R
Johnny, your memory is still good! Keef would be proud, ;-) Thanks for that. Cheers,
I seem to remember the Ocos cables being the cable of choice for Dynaudio monitors back in the 90s?

(thanks for all the GREAT responses)

I'm not certain but I seem to remember the Amator crossovers were done with all inductors. There were no capacitors used.
The design goes back to the earliest days of speaker building but some time ago someone in the US patented it then offered speaker upgrades using this interesting all coil principle, then seemingly dropped of the radar.
I owned the Electa Amator II's with adjustable wood/iron stands for many years. I used them with an ARC tube integrated and I really enjoyed them. I ran mine single wired but replaced the metal jumper with Kimber Select silver jumper wires which I thought was a significant improvement.