Bacch Dsp, True stereo?

The latest gimmick seems to be eliminating cross talk as a way to achieve true stereo.

Seems very expensive and works with any speaker.

Another layer of complexity.

Anyone have an opinion on this new fad? Seems a bit neurotic to me

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Everything I’ve read from reviews to actual user/owner experience say this is a true game-changer experience.  I’m actually afraid to try it for fear of being wrecked forever.  It’s also available for headphones that also seems to provide a mind-blowing experience.  This one seems legit — if you dare.

Actually, too much separation leads to point source sound in my experience.  Maybe just thinking about 60's 2 channel, not stereo. Think early Beatles.  One would need source material that was not screwed up in the mastering would think. 

For headphones, I want quite a bit of crosstalk. 

Acoustic articles are not a "fad"...

All Dr. Choueiri research and Filters are PURE acoustic...

It takes few minutes to verify...

It is not a "tweak" nor a new upgrade...There is no degradation of the TIMBRE experience and it is scientifically explained WHY this is so...It is not a new complexities level added, it is a new acoustic experience better than anything before it... Dont trust me read not the reviewers only but Dr. Choueiri papers...

It is complete acoustic improvement UNIVERSALLY acclaimed...

Anyway it is for me in my actual journey the only REAL upgrade not a marginal upgrade or a mere change...As most costly dac upgrade for example...