Jay's "Ugly Truth" video


Why does this get mentioned so rarely? 

I've experienced the "dark side" and have never had the means to afford gear that's remotely close to the level that Jay focuses on. 

What about you -- can you relate or have you always been able to maintain a healthy balance and avoid being overtaken by obsession? 


If you have an expensive system, well that's awesome. The real question is what do you do with it?  Does the music that you play uplift the spirit? Is it played at volume levels that others in the house are comfortable with? Do you get other family members involved by asking what they like and don't like? Do you put a playlist together and listen with your spouse to get a thumbs up or down on specific songs? Does the music also square with the deeper issues of Faith and Morality?

Like most things in life, it can be good or bad depending on how something is used.



I couldn’t watch 60 seconds of this doofus.

Yeah and in your knee-jerk rush to judge Jay, you managed to completely miss the point of this thread! 

How does discounting someone without even bothering to consider what they have to say contribute to "discourse" ? 


Who is this guy Jay?? What is the purpose of what he does?

Is he selling gear? Is he receiving payments from manufacturers? Is he doing it out of the goodness of his heart? 

He cranks out videos almost every day. He showcases very very expensive equipment and it's pretty. But I learn absolutely nothing watching these videos from him. He meanders around all over the place complaining about everything. Teasing his viewers with new product unveilings.  It's compelling.

It's clear he really doesn't understand all the stuff he buys otherwise he'd be sharing that with the people watching his channel. I think people hope he's gonna share something of value and then most often disappointed.

What is it all end for jay? It's a curious situation. Will he fade into the sunset?

He has $$ granted , he says things sometimes that  are just an opinion 

just because he doesnot like a product , Gryphon is his favorite ,which make great gear.

but to say Accuphase is way overpriced, and not that good  too colored vs other products and Pass labs ok at best McIntosh even worse . Breaking it all down many times its tonal balance and system synergies. I have  seen him use different gear or even a different power cord or cable ,being an ex Audio dealer ,I say first and foremost System synergies is much more important then $$ dollars spent  for the best of a given product , Even audio reviewers I have read will use a specific different set of interconnects and then still  compare a integrated or power amp,or sourse, and what they may or may like better.

to be totally objective Everything 100%  needs to be the same or it’s not a fair comparison . I look for this all the time , even when I am testing gear of different price ranges and brands  . It’s a must to give a totally honest viewpoint , if comparing cables then all electronics need to be the same.   I just thought it’s an observation that many times can be overlooked.

Comparing amplifiers as Jay was doing means little , not only because Synergy matter, but because the impressions of an amplifier are not only gathered through many other components synergy it is listening through a Brain/ears room and with a room acoustically controlled for specific ears or not...

Jays never get it really, he treated acoustic as a secondary component; for me it is the primary one...As Jay most reviewers are not acoustician and not informed really about it out of panels sellers publicity...

Putting panels on a wall is not the same as creating an acoustic room to serve a specific audio system for some specific ears and not another... Small room acoustic is not great Hall acoustic by the way ... Two completely different applications of acoustic laws... Size, geometry and topology and acoustic content matter , then a 13 feet room by15 and by 8 foot for ONE listener spot has nothing to do acoustically with a concert Hall for a crowd ...

Gullible people think that amplifier choice or dac choice or even speakers choice matter most than the room installation choices... Then they are ready to put 100000 bucks on an amplifier choice and 200 hundred bucks on few panels and call this acoustic job done.... After that in this same room they compare with the same components another amplifier and decided they can pick for us all the better amplifier for all ears/room and for all other existent pairing components...

They sell amplifiers, knowing it or not , most reviews are selling publicities; i trust only average users reviews and in great numbers not singular one and only for vintage products because they had been tested by many not few reviews for a very long period not a very short period and sometimes vintage are mythical products not new hyped one which will die way before being mythical good one...

And audio wise people look for the best ratio S.Q. / price not for the higher price tag thinking that higher the price better the sound will be...