
Thanks to all that responded in my recent post regarding my digital front end!

Many of you suggested Aurender for a streamer. I have found a demo unit that will eat up the majority of my $5,000 budget not leaving me much money for a new DAC.

I thought it was the DAC that was the most important item in the digital chain.

Any thoughts on this? Thank you!



@navyachts Yep,upgraded to an Aurender N200 from their entry level unit, transformed my system using the same dac I was running.

The sound you get out of the speakers is the result of all the components. Taking an old adage from the vinyl world… if it isn’t captured at the beginning of the chain, it is not coming out the other end. Also, if you don’t start with a quiet and none distorted signal… it isn’t going to get cleaned up on the way. So, a great streamer is an absolute requirement.

If you have an opportunity to get a great steamer at this price, you are going to get a great upgrade in sound. Your DAC is important as well. But you can wait a couple years and upgrade it, and you will get another great improvement in sound qua;it’s.

I would not split your budget between a streamer and DAC… you get two mediocre components. This streamer will put you in a whole new category of components, more in line with your amp.

My streamer is more expensive than my DAC and is very synergistic.



I’ll throw out one more thought because I like to complicate things.  Depending on the quality of your Gustard’s inputs it might be worth considering adding a DDC to take advantage of its i2S input.  I’ve got a Musician Pegasus R2R DAC and bought a used Denafrips Iris DDC for $400 to take advantage of its i2S input and it was like upgrading to a better DAC versus USB from my streamer.  All depends on how the USB input on the R26 compares to i2S, but if Gustard says i2S is superior you might be able to get a nice DAC upgrade on the cheap while still upgrading your streamer.  Peace out. 

@bikeboy52 +1

@ghdprentice always appreciate your input, thank you!

@soix yes, I have read about the DDC option, once I find that N200 in silver, I will go with the DDC and i2s, Thanks again!